Bespoke Design Heat Exchangers

GDM 200 Proto CADCAC 1GDM-200 Proto SS

Utilising the thermal prediction programme that is at the disposal of resident engineers, GDM Cooler Manufacturing Ltd are able to compliment the standard air blown cooler packs with a bespoke design service. Proposed or set thermal criteria can be input into the prediction program and cross examined manually to verify output. This is particularly beneficial when designing cooler systems that are to be situated in high ambient environments, or have limited installation space available and require maximum cooling. The bespoke nature of each design may be unique in terms of the thermal criteria, yet as GDM are able to manipulate standard parts that are readily available, the cost and availability of prototyping and implementing a finalised design into full scale production is kept competitive.

Often challenging, yet very rewarding, the bespoke design service allows GDM to draw on the technical knowledge and collective experience when offering a complete cooling solution.

Bespoke Heat Exxchanger Design Process

Bes[poke Cooler Designs

The success of a bespoke cooler design is highly dependent on being able to communicate clearly with the customer to determine a full understanding of expectations. The transition from concept to production is a process of set stages that involves creating a design file and recording all data and correspondence as part of the implemented ISO 9001:2008 system. Design projects are reviewed at each stage to ensure that full transparency and clarification remains throughout the process from first interaction to completion.

Design Processes to create bespoke heat exchangers Include:

  • Technical expertise
  • Professional design consultation
  • Multiple core specifications
  • Reverse engineering
  • Thermal verification
  • CAD drawings
  • Comprehensive design files
  • Full production capability
  • After-sales assistance
Design Concept

The GDM bespoke cooler design department offers a wide range of products as either new engineering designs, or modifications to the existing GDM standard cooler range.

Hyd Drive Wide Photo



Cooler units designed to replace existing heat exchanger designs (Reverse Engineering)

Utile GDM SHE AC1250



Radiators to fit modified vehicles


Stainless steel and titanium sets to cool sealed cabinets with sea water



Fan cowls that fit existing rads like this Perkins cooler set

GDM_Feb 2011_012

Standard cooler range products modified to take air or hydraulic fan drives


Standard cooler range products made with inter-cooler tube to handle thick gear oils

GDM300 Thick Oil Proto j

Bespoke designs that have to meet strict size and material criteria

GDM-200 Proto SS GDM 200 Proto CAD


Standard Coolers given different fans

Dowson Aug 2015 Cut

IMG_6677 revised clipping

If you have any question about our bespoke cooler and heat exchanger design service, get in touch...